A turtle swimming peacefully in gray blue water.

Counseling Department

Kailua Intermediate School has a team of counselors that bring a wealth of experience and expertise to our students. 

If you are experiencing any kind of problem, your counselor is your personal GO-TO person!  You can stop by the counseling office any day during recess or lunch.  Or come with a pass from your teacher during class.

KIS has programs and services designed to develop competent, responsible, determined students. Counselors facilitate various groups that empower students with the social, study and coping skills that they need to be more successful in life. We want every student to enjoy their time at KIS and be able to meet or exceed the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards. 

Please do not hesitate to email them or call (via the main office 808-307-1400.)

Ms. Kelly Kimura

8th Grade Counselor

Ms. Michelle Nakamura

7th grade Counselor

Ms. Chelsea Kamai

Behavioral Health Specialist

Mr. Makana Schweitzer

Behavioral Health Specialist

Learn more about our Counselors in our Staff Directory!

A silhouette image with blue sky behind and black shapes of trees and people walking.
For more information on Teen CARE ask your grade level counselor listed above. Or stop by the Teen CARE room at recess or lunch. They're above the TRC on the back side of the building.

Teen CARE 

Teen CARE (Counseling, Awareness, Rehabilitation, and Education) supports teens in making positive and healthy choices for themselves. Hina Mauka Teen CARE has been providing support to youth in Hawaii schools since 1987 and Kailua Intermediate houses Teen CARE on our Campus.

Students are often self-referred, but they can also be referred by peers, teachers, counselors, administrators, and family members. 

Students participating in Teen CARE explore the impact of drug and alcohol use on their lives and develop new ways to cope, communicate, and connect. 

We have a  full-time Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) on campus, housed in our Transition Center. MFLC's are trained on military specific topics regarding the deployment cycle and military culture. There is a form that needs to be completed in order for students to work with the MFLC.  Ask the front office for more information. 

A graphic that looks like a book cover, it reads Military Family Life Counselors as the title.

In order to promote a positive educational environment, Kailua Intermediate uses the TARO program. TARO stands for Technology, Attendance, Referrals, Obligations and is the way students become eligible for a quarterly reward. Student must meet the criteria to be eligible to participate in the TARO activity/field trip reward. Click the button to see the specific criteria for each quarter.

Links and Resources

Screenshot of a google doc with black and blue text.

Our Counseling Department put together this doc filled with helpful links for both students and parents. 

A screenshot of a document with numerous logos and boxes of text.

Also check out this doc, with 12 pages of information and links to online sources for help and support.