Four students wearing appropriate KIS uniform shirt and in dress code.

School Uniform and Dress Code Policy

School uniforms are a positive contributing factor to improve middle school culture, discipline, and safety. Here at KIS we have both a school uniform and a dress code policy. As parents, students, and members of the community work together, these policies become a part of a strong overall school safety program that supports the learning success of all students.

Five different options for the KIS uniform shirt are shown on a white background.
Picture is linked to 22-23 school year sales flyer for uniform shirts. Prices may have chaned for sy 23-24.



T-shirts produced for Kailua Intermediate School must be worn. 

Shirts must be worn in the manner that they were made without any changes. 

Students may not mark, rip or tear shirts, nor may they roll or tie the bottom of the shirt. Shirts that are longer than shorts must be tucked in.

KIS uniform shirts are sold through The Custom Company at


Students may wear long pants, capris, shorts, or skirts in any color. 

Bottoms must be fingertip length and not made with a see through fabric. They must fit properly and be secured at the waist with no undergarments or posteriors showing. 

Bottoms must not have tears, rips, or holes above the knee. 


The student ID card is mandatory and must be on your person, and be able to be presented when asked.  Keep your ID in good condition. If it becomes defaced, damaged or lost, you will be required to purchase a new ID ($5.00 charge applies). Your ID is for your use. Do not lend your ID to any student for any reason. IDs are required for many transactions on campus, including library circulation and cafeteria purchases. 


Students may wear a jacket or sweater while on campus. Outerwear must be black, gray, blue, white, yellow, or any combination of those colors, and may have a pattern or logo.


Footwear is required attire for all students. 

Covered shoes are required for classroom labs, P.E. classes, and lunch duty.

Students feet, white standing in a circle, we see crocs, vans, converse and slippers.



(Such as caps, hats, hoods, visors, dark glasses, and bandanas) are not permitted to be worn on the head. The exception is hats or visors can be worn at PE.


Clothing may not be defaced or altered in any way. 

Clothing (including jewelry, wristbands, buttons and other accessories) must not reference drugs, alcohol, tobacco, nor have any pictures or words that are sexual in nature.

No dress code violations here! These students are demonstrating wearing their ID on a lanyard around their neck, as well as the KIS dry fit shirt (left) and jacket (right.)

Several students in an outdoor picture, appear with correct uniform and dress code.


Uniforms are to be worn as long as the student is on campus.  IDs must be carried with students at all times including after school, field trips, and evening events.  Students may choose to wear their ID on a lanyard and/or clip.  If a student does not come to school with their ID, they will be sent to the front office for a consequence.


1st offense – Warning

2nd offense - Notify parents and after school detention (1 day).

3rd offense - Notify parents and after school detention (2 days).

4th offense - Notify parents and after school detention (3 days).

5th offense - Notify parents and possible suspension.