
Two students sitting at an outdoor table eating school lunch

The KIS school cafeteria offers healthy and delicious menu items for breakfast and lunch every day during the school year. 

 You can view our traditional menu (above) as well as the new "Nutrislice" menu, (which includes nutrition facts).

Meal Prices

A table showing prices of lunch and breakfast.
Teriburger school lunch
Students school ID is scanned at lunch to access their meal account.  If an ID becomes lost, please purchase a replacement from the front office. Cost is $5.

Cafeteria Meal Accounts 

Please set up you students cafeteria account: To set it up online yourself, see these Instructions or go directly to 

You may also make lunch payments in the front office (before recess) with cash or check. 

Sorry, we do not do Lunch Loans. Please keep your lunch account up to date.  Submit payment to Office or via

Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program

Eligible children will receive meals at a free or reduced price. Families eligible for free and reduced-priced meals can apply via online application at starting July 15. Paper applications are also available at our front office.  

Applications may be submitted at any time during the year; however, families should allow the Department 10 operating days to fully process applications. 

The information provided on the application will be used only for purposes of determining eligibility and will be kept confidential. The household size and income criteria identified below will be used for determining eligibility for free and reduced-price benefits. Children from households whose income is at or below the levels shown are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. 

Income Eligibility

Income eligibility guidelines for free and reduced-price meals effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

Students who were eligible for either free or reduced-price meals at the end of the last school year will have that status carried over until September of the new school year or until a new application is processed. 

For more detailed information please visit the DOE’s site: Free and Reduced Lunch Program.